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Terms and Conditions

Before making a reservation with Expedition Happiness Pty Ltd (ACN 659 929 218), please take the time to review and comprehend the following booking terms and conditions.

Expedition Happiness Tours Contract

All bookings are conducted through Expedition Happiness Pty Ltd (hereafter referred to as "we" or "us"). By booking a trip with us, you are agreeing to these Booking Conditions, which constitute the entire agreement between you and us. Your booking will be considered accepted by us on these terms. The services to be provided are as outlined in your Booking Confirmation invoice.

Deposit Requirement & Final Payments

DEPOSIT: Bookings are considered unconfirmed until a non-refundable deposit of $500 for is paid.

FINAL PAYMENT: The balance of payments must be settled within 90 days of the departure date. Failure to make the final payment by the due date may result in your booking being treated as canceled. In such an event, any deposit paid by you per person will be forfeited. For reservations made 90 days or less before the departure date, full payment is due at the time of booking.

Acceptance of Booking

Upon acceptance of your booking and payment, we will provide you with a confirmation tax invoice. We reserve the right to decline a booking based on the information provided to us.

Price Variations & Currency Surcharges

Our tour prices are subject to variable and seasonal pricing, including discount offers. Prices may fluctuate based on demand, availability, and market conditions. Passengers on the same tour may have been charged different prices. Any reduced pricing or discounts that become available after you have paid your deposit per person will not apply. Our website contains the most up-to-date pricing.

Prices are based on currency exchange rates at the time of booking. While we make every effort to avoid price increases, we reserve the right to change our published prices without notice in the case of significant negative currency fluctuations exceeding $100. This may occur at any time before full payment is received or for other reasons beyond our reasonable control, such as changes in government taxes and charges or force majeure events.

Your Responsibility

It is your responsibility to thoroughly read the itinerary and choose a trip that matches your ability and fitness level. Participants must be in good health and moderately fit to undertake a trip. Some training and preparation work may be necessary before departure. The more physically prepared you are, the more enjoyable your adventure will be.

You should have adequate fitness to handle the expected hours of walking some days. Trails may include rough and uneven terrain, challenging ascents and descents, and varying weather conditions from heavy rain to cool or warm temperatures and strong winds.

We are happy to discuss your suitability for our tours over the phone if you need clarification. Additionally, it is your responsibility to bring appropriate clothing and footwear to suit the conditions; please refer to our suggested packing list provided with your pre-departure information. At the time of booking, you must inform us of any relevant medical conditions or special dietary requirements, and we will make an effort to accommodate these needs to the best of our ability.

For the majority of our trips, there is no upper age limit, but we remind you that our trips can be physically demanding, and passengers must ensure they are fit enough to fully participate. While we can provide details on mandatory health requirements, we are not medical experts. It is your responsibility to obtain proper and detailed medical advice at least two months before travel regarding the latest health requirements and recommendations for your destination.

Adventurers aged 80 years or older must provide a doctor's certificate stating that they are in good physical condition and have no pre-existing medical conditions that could prevent them from participating in the trip.

In order for us to confirm your travel arrangements, you must provide all requested details along with the balance of the tour payment. The necessary details may vary by tour but include, among others, your full name as per your license/passport, any pre-existing medical conditions, and dietary requirements. Failure to provide requested details may result in additional charges or non-refundable cancellation of your trip.

Cancellation by the Traveler

Cancellations must be made in writing (not via SMS). Notice of cancellation is not effective until received by the Company and must be made during office hours, excluding weekends or public holidays. If you cancel some or all portions of your booking, cancellation fees will apply. Cancellation fees for different types of bookings are as follows:


All International Tours:

  • 90 days or more: Loss of $500 deposit per person
  • 62 to 89 days: Loss of 50% of tour fare
  • 0 – 61 days: Loss of 100% of tour fare

However, at the company's discretion and subject to availability, transfers to another date are permitted if requested 90 days or more before departure.

It is compulsory to take out cancellation insurance at the time of booking to cover cancellation fees, and you may be required to provide evidence of such insurance if requested by the company.

It is compulsory to have travel insurance in case of unexpected circumstances preventing you from joining the tour.

If you do not complete a tour and leave for any reason after it has commenced, such as bereavement, injury, or illness, we are not obliged to make any refunds for unused services. If you fail to arrive at the pre-arranged meeting place, join the tour after departure, or leave before its completion, no refund will be made. Travel insurance and medical insurance are compulsory.

Cancellation by Us

Our trips are guaranteed to depart once they have four fully paid travelers, unless the minimum group size is stated otherwise or a Force Majeure Event leads to the cancellation of a trip. We may also choose, at our discretion, to operate trips with smaller numbers. Under no circumstances will we knowingly jeopardize the health and well-being of our guests and guides. We reserve the right to cancel our trips 90 days before departure.

If we cancel your trip, you can choose one of the following options:

  1. Hold a credit on file for an alternative trip with a departure date within 36 months.
  2. Receive a refund of the full amount paid.

In the case of cancellation due to a Force Majeure event, no refunds will be granted, and clients will need to reschedule their tour to a future date within 36 months. Additionally, clients may be required to pay a surcharge for unrecoverable costs, which includes any costs, fees, expenses, or similar expenses incurred or liable to be paid by the company and which cannot be recovered.

A "Force Majeure Event" includes but is not limited to acts of God, fire, earthquake, flood, windstorm, or other extreme weather events, war, civil commotion, riot, blockade or embargo, breakdown, union dispute, epidemic, pandemic, lack or failure of courses of supply, passage of any law, order, regulation, ordinance, proclamation, demand, requisition, or requirement, or any other act of any government authority, outside the reasonable control of either party, whether foreseeable or not, that renders performance impossible or reasonably impracticable.

We will not be liable for other costs or expenses associated with travel to the designated meeting point. Overnight accommodation, meals, etc., will not be covered by us, and we strongly recommend taking out travel insurance before travel.

If we have canceled your trip, the credit offering is subject to the following conditions:

  • It cannot be combined with any other discount or offer.
  • It is transferable to another person.
  • The credit is not redeemable for cash.
  • The credit must be used towards an alternative trip with a departure date within 36 months.
  • Any unused value may be held for future bookings.
  • This credit may not be used for airfares.

Altering Your Tour Date

If you wish to change the date of your tour and transfer from one tour to another, you must notify us in writing at least 90 days before the proposed departure date. We will make every effort to accommodate the change to your preferred date, but it may not always be possible. The new transfer date must be within 24 months of the original booking date. A non-refundable fee of $200 per booking will be charged for date transfers. If you notify us less than the above-stated timeframes before the proposed departure date, the refund policy applicable to cancellations will apply. It is compulsory to take out travel insurance to cover any last-minute changes to your tour dates. A booking may be transferred into another person's name with no penalty fees.

Tour Inclusions

Your tour includes:

  • International & (in country) domestic flights unless specified.
  • Airport transfers & taxes.
  • All transportation and transfers listed in the itinerary (unless otherwise specified).
  • All accommodations as listed in the itinerary (unless otherwise specified).
  • All sightseeing and activities listed in the itinerary.
  • All meals listed in the itinerary.
  • National Parks passes (where applicable).
  • The services of Tour Guide/s.
  • Trail mix for enjoyment during the walks.

Tour Exclusions

Your tour does not include:

  • Your domestic flight to our departure point (Brisbane International Airport).
  • Excess baggage charges unless specified.
  • Meals other than those specified in the itinerary.
  • Visa and passport fees.
  • Travel insurance.
  • All personal expenses.

Passport and Visas

You must carry a valid passport and have obtained the appropriate visas for the countries you will visit during your trip. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months beyond the duration of the trip. It is your responsibility to ensure you have the correct visas, permits, and certificates for your trip; please refer to your Pre-Departure information for details. We are not responsible if you are denied entry to a country due to lacking the correct passport, visa, or other travel documentation.

Travel Insurance & Indemnity Forms

Travel insurance is mandatory and should be obtained at the time of booking. We can assist in arranging this insurance; please inquire when making your booking. When selecting travel insurance, ensure it includes medical coverage, as well as minimum coverage for repatriation and emergency rescue. The policy should also cover personal liability, cancellation, curtailment, and loss of luggage and personal effects.

It is a requirement to provide your travel insurance policy number and the insurer's 24-hour emergency contact number to your guide on the first day of your trip in case of emergencies. If you have travel insurance through your credit card, you must have details of the participating insurer, policy number, and emergency contact number available, which can be obtained from your bank.

INDEMNITY FORMS: All travellers must sign an indemnity form before commencing their trip. This form indemnifies the company, its employees, agents, or any of them from any and all costs, actions, demands, claims, and liability arising from or connected with the walking tour, including transportation to or from the tour area. This includes but is not limited to costs, claims, actions, demands, or statutory duties, and any liability related to your death, personal injury, or loss of or damage to any property owned or possessed by you.

Flexible Attitude

These trips are subject to the elements and weather conditions and require our guests to be adaptable. The itinerary may change without prior notice due to local weather conditions on the day. Daily activities will generally proceed in all but exceptional weather conditions. Conditions such as fog, mist, drizzle, showers, rain, sleet, and strong winds do not typically affect the operation of our adventures.

Change of Itinerary

While we strive to operate all trips as described, we reserve the right to modify the trip itinerary.

Before departure: If we are required to make significant changes to the itinerary before your tour, we will notify you as soon as reasonably possible, provided there is time before departure.

During the tour: The Company reserves the right to alter the accommodation and/or itinerary or cancel a tour without notice if deemed necessary for any reason, including but not limited to road conditions, weather, bushfires, traffic conditions, track or park closures, strong winds, high seas, operational requirements, and conditions. When a tour is altered due to such conditions, our guides will provide the best alternative itinerary possible.

Authority on Tour

Our group trips are led by our Tour Guides, who are responsible for all aspects of your adventure holiday, including group safety, tour operation, and ensuring an enjoyable experience. They have the authority to take any necessary actions to achieve these objectives, including deciding to exclude a guest from participating in a specific activity if it is deemed to compromise the overall safety and interests of the group. The decision of the Guide is final on all matters likely to affect the safety or well-being of any traveler or staff member participating in the trip. Failure to comply with a decision made by our Guide or interference with the well-being or mobility of the group may result in the guest being directed to leave the trip immediately, with no right to a refund. We may also choose not to accept the guest on any future trips booked. You must at all times adhere to the laws, customs, foreign exchange, and drug regulations of all visited countries and travel in accordance with our responsible travel guidelines.

Claims & Complaints

We strive to provide you with an enjoyable adventure holiday, but in case of any issues, we want complaints to be resolved as quickly as possible. If you have a complaint about your trip, please inform your Guide at the time to allow them to address the issue. If the problem cannot be resolved, please contact our head office promptly by phone, email, or in writing within 30 days of the tour's end.

Photos and Marketing

You consent to us using images of you taken during the trip for advertising and promotional purposes in any medium we choose. You grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to use such images for publicity and promotional purposes. If you do not wish to have images of you used, please indicate your preference on your indemnity form.

Privacy Policy

Any personal information collected about you may be used for purposes related to tour operations or to send you marketing materials regarding our events and special offers. The information may be disclosed to our agents, service providers, or other suppliers to facilitate tour operations. Your information will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy, which can be viewed on our website.

Acceptance of Risk

You acknowledge that you have read and understood these booking conditions and that participating in the adventure holiday involves an increased degree of personal risk compared to normal activities. You undertake the adventure holiday voluntarily, freely, and at your own risk, fully appreciating the nature and extent of all associated risks. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with all relevant travel information and the nature of your itinerary.


To the maximum extent permitted by law, we exclude all liability to you or any other person (whether in contract, tort, or otherwise) for any loss (whether direct, indirect, or consequential), including death or personal injury or damage of any kind that may be suffered as a result of any act or omission, whether negligent or otherwise, by or on behalf of us in connection with the services or any other matter or thing relating to these Booking Conditions, except to the extent that such loss or damage is incurred as a direct result of our fraud or willful misconduct. This clause does not limit or exclude your rights under the Consumer & Competition Act 2010.

Limitation of Liability

Where the law implies a warranty into these Booking Conditions that may not lawfully be excluded (in particular warranties under the CCA), our liability for breach of such a warranty will be limited to either supplying the services again or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.


You indemnify us (and all of our subsidiaries, officers, employees, contractors, and agents) against all losses, claims, actions, proceedings, damages, costs, and expenses (including legal fees) arising from any claim by a third party arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with:

  1. your access or use of the services, including your delegate's access or use of the services; and
  2. any breach by you (or your delegate) of:
    1. these Booking Conditions; or
    2. any additional terms applicable to providing the services,

except to the extent that such loss or damage arises as a direct result of our fraud or willful misconduct.

Third Parties

We contract with a network of companies, activity providers, accommodation providers, airlines, transfer companies, local guides, government agencies, independent contractors, and individuals to assist in the operation of our tours as agents for these third parties (Third-Party Suppliers). Third-Party Suppliers may also engage the services of local operators and subcontractors. While we take reasonable steps to select reputable Third-Party Suppliers, we cannot be held responsible for their acts or omissions. Any services provided by Third-Party Suppliers may be subject to the terms and conditions imposed by these Third-Party Suppliers, and you may be required to sign additional terms when undertaking these activities. These terms may limit or exclude the liability of the Third-Party Supplier. You acknowledge that Third-Party Suppliers operate in compliance with the laws of the countries in which they operate, and we do not warrant that any Third-Party Supplier is in compliance with the laws of your country of residence or any other jurisdiction. We are not responsible for the acts and omissions, whether negligent or otherwise, of these Third-Party Suppliers. Any disputes between you and any third party should be resolved solely between you and that party.

Vicarious Liability

We shall not be held vicariously liable for the intentional or negligent acts of any persons not employed by us, nor for any intentional or negligent acts of our employees committed while off duty or outside the course and scope of their employment.


If any term or condition in these Booking Conditions is deemed unenforceable or void by operation of law or as being against public policy or for any other reason, such term or condition shall be severed from this contract or amended only to the extent necessary to allow all remaining terms and conditions to survive and continue as binding.


This agreement and the rights and responsibilities of the parties will be construed and governed by the laws of Queensland.



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